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Grant &Teresa

Sounds like fun

In my quest for exploring all of the independent bookstores in the City, I've resorted to Googling a few stores near campus. I stumbled onto Yelp's reviews of Forever After Books, a used bookstore on Haight, and I just couldn't help but laugh out loud at a few of the reviews people posted. Almost unanimously, the reviewers agreed that Forever After Books is a disorganized, crowded, and overpriced bookstore, run by an inexcusably rude couple with no regard whatsoever about customer service.

I'm seriously tempted to go over there just so I can use that likely terrible experience as a blog post or material for a future book/show/movie I might write. If nothing else, I would probably get a few funny stories out of it.

Check out the Yelp reviews, especially the one by Harmonika S. on 6/26/2007. That one was especially hilarious!


Forever After Books? Forever After Scarred.

Bookstore Quest