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Grant &Teresa

I hurt my computer's feelings

So, the Internet on my laptop hasn't been working since I got back to school after visiting home this weekend. I've been using the ones in the computer lab for the past couple of days. I thought it was just the usual crappy school connection, so I took my laptop over to ITS. I thought it would only take a few minutes for them to reconnect me or whatever, but I ended up staying for almost two hours. The guy helping me was very nice and patient, but he said that I would have to end up leaving my laptop at the ITS main office for 2-3 days because they think it's diseased. He recommended that I buy an external hard drive so I don't lose everything. Boo. I need money.

I think my computer's acting up because it overheard me telling my friends I want a Mac. I think I hurt its feelings and now it doesn't want to live anymore. I'm sorry, Computer. Please don't die. I don't have any money to replace you!

SF Chronicle

Christmas in October