The Savory City

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Teresa After the Dentist

Today my sister and I had appointments to see our dentist. While going to the dentist isn't exactly my favorite activity, at least I didn't end up like this kid.

As for me: I got the whole routine cleaning, checkup and x-ray package. With today's modern technology, it's beyond me why they haven't figured out a less painful and uncomfortable way to take oral x-rays. I mean we have special heat-seeking missiles, robotic vacuum cleaners and the Snuggie. However, since I can remember, x-rays are taken using the same torturous procedure. They shove these hard T-shaped pieces of plastic in your mouth for you to bite on that always dig into your gums and poke the back of your throat. You have to hold the bite until they finish taking the x-ray. I always gag on it. Then you repeat the steps 6 more times. Is it like this in every dentist's office or just the one I go to?

The dentist took a look at my x-rays and saw that my wisdom teeth were coming in, so he ordered another set of x-rays. This time I had to go into another room and stand while a machine rotated around my head. Evidentally, I have to get my wisdom teeth out. Perfect.

I asked my dentist if I absolutely have to get my wisdom teeth out. Couldn't I just keep them? They don't bother me too much. A little wisdom never hurt anyone. After all, my dentist admitted that he still had his wisdom teeth. He said he had a big mouth and there was room for them. Everyone's a comic.

So, I guess I'm getting my wisdom teeth out. It sounds painful. Any thoughts?