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Grant &Teresa

Happy National Reading Month!

Happy National Reading Month!

March is finally here: The month of wearing green, drinking Guinness, and delving into that book you've always meant to read.

Since it's 2012, the year of upping the ante, I'm finally going to cross off an item from both my to-read list and my bucket list by reading... Miguel de Cervantes' Don Quixote in Spanish. It's a big undertaking, considering how rusty my Spanish is and how challenging it would be to tackle this classic, no matter how modern the translation. I still have the hefty copy my good friend Michelle gave me a couple of years ago. I've started it a few times already, but I always get sidetracked before I get to the end. This the year. I will read Don Quixote from start to finish with nothing but a good Spanish dictionary by my side... and maybe the soundtrack to Man of La Mancha for inspiration?

Happy reading lovelies! What's on your list?

I Want it: Kate Spade

I Want it: Kate Spade

Congrats, Jean!

Congrats, Jean!