The Savory City

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Happy St. George's Day!

I first learned about

St. George's Day

a couple of years ago in Barcelona, there known as

La Diada de Sant Jordi

. St. George was a soldier and eventual martyr of the Roman Empire in the late third and early fourth century. There are many legends surrounding his name, including most famously, his heroic slaying of a dragon. The famous white flag with red cross has been used for centuries around Europe to represent cities and countries under his patronage. To most people today, it is recognizable as the flag of England.

St. George's Cross

In Barcelona, St. George's Day is a holiday celebrated on the 23rd of April every year during which sweethearts, friends, and colleagues exchange little gifts. Traditionally, men give the women in their lives roses and the women give the men books-- it could also be related to the fact that April 23 is the death date of both Shakespeare and Miguel Cervantes. Personally, I'd rather get a good book than flowers any day, but the thought behind it is sweet nonetheless. Happy St. George's Day everyone!