The Savory City

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Quarantine Life: Day 70, Flashback to Our Tahoe Weekend

It’s Memorial Day weekend and, under normal circumstances, many of us would be hanging it with family and friends at the beach or maybe having a barbecue in someone’s backyard. We might even head out for a weekend getaway. Of course, that’s not our reality right now. For the time being, we’ve swapped socializing with social distancing. And that’s a good thing. It means putting certain activities on hold for the greater health of others and for our own. It means sacrificing a little now so that we’ll be able to return to better days ahead. In a toast to those future adventures, we’re sharing a video we shot during our most recent trip to Lake Tahoe this past November.*

It was the first video we shot on our GoPro Hero 7. We drove up to Tahoe after work on a Friday afternoon and hit the usual Bay Area rush hour traffic. We checked into our Tahoe hotel late in the evening and got up early the next day to do our morning hike. We started off visiting the Emerald Bay State Park lookout point, which gave us a fantastic view of Fannette Island, Tahoe’s only island. We then drove to the Vikingsholm trailhead and hiked down to Vikingsholm, a 1929 Scandinavian-style castle overlooking the water. The castle itself was closed for renovations. Otherwise, it’s usually open to the public for tours. Seeing the castle exterior was well worth the hike down. From the castle, we took the Eagle Falls trail, leading up to a gorgeous waterfall. If you do this hike, be sure to wear proper hiking or walking shoes. The trails are well maintained, but uphill leading to the falls. The same goes for the Vikingsholm trail. It’s all dandy when you stroll downhill from the parking lot to the castle. It’s another story trekking back. We saw some families pushing strollers uphill or dragging their tired toddlers on tiny tricycles. Kudos to them. We worked up a pretty good sweat just hauling ourselves up. After working up a sweat, we rewarded ourselves with lunch and a couple of refreshing Bloody Marys at The Red Hut Cafe. It was a memorable Tahoe weekend adventure. Cheers to more good times ahead!

*Note: This video was shot in November 2019. As of the time of this writing, visiting Lake Tahoe is not recommended due to COVID-19 restrictions. Please follow all applicable federal, state, county and local ordinances. Only visit Tahoe when authorities deem it safe and advisable. Thanks!

This daily blog post series is our way of sharing our experience with you, our readers. We’ll talk about our daily routines, adjustments to working from home, recipes based on limited ingredients and any other topic that comes to mind. It’s our way of connecting with the “outside” world, while also giving us the opportunity to look within and reflect on what we’re experiencing and how we’re feeling. Thanks for your interest in sharing this journey with us. Stay tuned and be well.