
Welcome to The Savory City. Follow our adventures on food, drink, travel & healthy living in the San Francisco Bay Area and beyond.

Grant &Teresa

Quarantine Life: Day 28, Nature Recovers

Quarantine Life: Day 28, Nature Recovers

While humans stay indoors, nature recovers. This is a theme I’ve seen and read about in the news a lot lately. My friend shared an L.A. Times article with me today called, “Coyotes, Bobcats and Bears: Wildlife is Reclaiming Yosemite National Park.” The article talks about how animals are thriving in the people-less Yosemite and how the bear population has apparently quadrupled. There was also a Business Insider article with photos showing how the stay-at-home order has significantly reduced smog in Los Angeles.

My hope is that when all these restrictions lift and we can go back to our “normal” lives, people will be more conscious about our impact on the planet.

This daily blog post series is our way of sharing our experience with you, our readers. We’ll talk about our daily routines, adjustments to working from home, recipes based on limited ingredients and any other topic that comes to mind. It’s our way of connecting with the “outside” world, while also giving us the opportunity to look within and reflect on what we’re experiencing and how we’re feeling. Thanks for your interest in sharing this journey with us. Stay tuned and be well.

Quarantine Life: Day 29, New Work Station

Quarantine Life: Day 29, New Work Station

Quarantine Life: Day 27, Happy Easter

Quarantine Life: Day 27, Happy Easter