Quarantine Life: Day 26, AIP Bagels and Cream Cheese

Ever since we’ve been on the autoimmune protocol (AIP) diet, grains, dairy, and seeds are off-limits to us. So, I decided to make my own AIP-compliant bagels and cream cheese. The tapioca and cassava flour make these bagels a little chewier than traditional bagels, so I like making them a little bit smaller. The cream cheese is fantastic. It has the creamy, subtly tangy taste that I love.

Quarantine Life: Day 24, Postponed Birthday Trip

I wrote on Tuesday about having to postpone the birthday trip I had planned for Grant. He knew I was planning a vacation for us, but the location and itinerary were a surprise. Rather than cut out the trip completely from his birthday week, I decided to create a travel brochure of the trip I had planned and present the brochure to him as part of his gift. It’s a promise that we’ll take the trip as soon as it’s safe to do so.

Quarantine Life: Day 17, AIP Dipping Sauces

I made AIP spinach pesto, AIP ranch, and AIP carrot ketchup. These recipes are dairy-free, gluten-free, nut-free and nightshade-free. We liked them all, but the carrot ketchup was Grant’s favorite and mine was the ranch. These also make great dipping sauces for chips, as I found out after we finished all of our chicken nuggets today.

Quarantine Life: Day 9, Venturing Outside

Grant and I went out today for the first time since our mandatory shutdown for a chiropractor appointment. We couldn’t have picked a more beautiful day to go out. It’s been rainy and drizzly the past few days, which turned our hills a gorgeous shade of green. I’m really happy we got a chance to see the hills this way before they turn brown for the summer.

Quarantine Life: Day 8, Fitness Hack

We’ve set phone reminders to take a two-minute fitness break at the top of every hour. As soon as the alarm goes off, we get out of our seats and do a mini fitness circuit. We try to mix up the routine every day, but it usually includes a quick set of crunches, push-ups, free weights and stretches. I’m not a huge fitness nut, so doing small bursts of workouts periodically makes exercising feel more manageable to me.